Energy Star Products, Savings All Around

It’s time to add or replace appliances and or lighting in your home, so what do you do? Which products do you choose and where do you get them? These choices are driven by style, performance, and availability, but in large part by budget. However, when selecting new appliances and lighting, the cost of operation is often overlooked which can be an expensive mistake. How do you know you are getting the best product for your dollars? Simple – purchase products with the ENERGY STAR label and be assured that you are getting products of high quality design, superior construction, and improved performance, along with energy and money savings from lower operating costs.

ENERGY STAR is a federally backed program designed to help individuals and businesses protect the environment through superior energy efficiency – and it’s working! NYSERDA, through its New York Energy $mart programs, promotes ENERGY STAR awareness within our state.

Once you think about it, the ENERGY STAR message is quite simple: make products we use every day more energy efficient. Energy efficiency saves you money, reduces the need to generate electricity, resulting in burning less fossil fuels and a cleaner environment. A great deal, fair and square!

Now, let’s look quickly at benefits of some ENERGY STAR products. An ENERGY STAR clothes washer will use nearly 7,000 fewer gallons of water a year! This can amount to an astounding savings when you think of the costs associated with buying clean water, heating water for washing, treating dirty water, and digging a deeper well in times of drought. Also, many ENERGY STAR washers spin out more water so your drying time is reduced.

ENERGY STAR refrigerators use 50% less energy than a refrigerator purchased 10 years ago. With improved design and better insulation, the ENERGY STAR refrigerator works better, has many high performance features and again, saves you money.

ENERGY STAR room air conditioners use at least 10% less electricity than non-ENERGY STAR room air conditioners. A compact fluorescent light bulb (CFL) burns cooler, lasts much longer than an incandescent bulb, has good color rendering and uses 75% less electricity.

ENERGY STAR products are here to stay, built to last and save you money. New York Energy $mart programs work to ensure that retailers have a good supply of ENERGY STAR products for you to choose from. We do all this to save you money, improve our quality of life and improve the environment. A winning combination! If you want more information about ENERGY STAR products and where to buy them or about the New York Energy $mart programs please call 1-877-NYSMART or visit www.GetEnergySmart.Org.

Last updated August 11, 2020