4-H Wide MLK Day of Service
Monday, January 20, 2025,
10:00 AM -
2:00 PM

Annual 4-H Day of Service is Happening on MLK Day: Monday January 20, 2025
County 4-H will be collecting gently used & clean clothing, along with new
hygiene projects, to be distributed to local schools and The WAIT House.
- Youth of all ages (Cloverbuds (under age 12 adult
needs to stay) to Teens) are needed to help collect and sort donations
on 1/20/25 from 10AM-2PM. Lunch will be provided & games will be
- Families are asked to purge items that no longer fit or
meet their needs. Sizes range from youth size small to adult size XXL.
Hygiene items can be soap, shampoo, lotion etc.
- Please help us to make our First Annual Day of Service
successful by spreading the word to friends and families.
- Please invite youth to help collect donations and to
spread the word to others. Their hands to larger service, is the 4-H
- Items will be collected on MLK Day at our office 415
Lower Main St. Hudson Falls between the hours of 10AM-2PM.
email Cath if you plan to drop off donations and/or plan to stay to help &
hangout: cjs58@cornell.edu.
Last updated January 7, 2025