corn field
Image by Sandy Repp

Find field crop resources here!

Field Crops

Hay Production Resources for New York State and Similar Climates
The demand for hay over the past few years has been very good. Both veteran and new farmers are growing this crop as the demand continues and the number of livestock operations keeps growing.

Field Crop Production
With approximately 70,000 acres, field crops are vital to the agricultural economy in Washington County. We help farmers maximize profitability by offering individualized crop plans, workshops, the “Ag Report” newsletter, and other educational resources.

Soil Samples

Soil samples for agriculture, homeowners, and horticulture will no longer be analyzed by the Cornell Nutrient Analysis Lab (CNAL). However, soil analysis and Cornell fertilizer recommendations can still be obtained by sending the soil samples to Agro-One, 730 Warren Rd. in Ithaca, NY 14850, 1.800.496.3344 or 607.257.1272. Soil containers should be ordered directly form Agro-One and payment is made directly to Agro-One ($10 per sample). Soil sample submittal forms can be downloaded from Agro-One website given above. 

Another favorite is University of Wisconsin Forage Resources

In many situations composting is a very viable solution to waste management including manure, livestock carcasses, and butcher wastes. In Washington County we have composted all of this and more. As you consider the cost of liquid manure systems, composting is an attractive alternative (if you are not using sand for bedding). Borrow our copy of the video “Natural Rendering”, which shows how to compost carcasses and butcher wastes. Just call or email (adg12@cornell) for more information or if you have specific questions.

Cornell Composting


  1. Capital Area Agriculture and Horticulture Program:
  2. Cornell Field Crops website: www.fieldcrops.or
  3. .All about forages from Cornell: www.forages.or
  4. .Cornell Nutrient Management Program and Agronomy Factsheets:
  5. .Integrated Pest Management:
  6. Cornell Pest Management Education Program:
  7. Cornell Industrial Hemp Website:
  8. .Aaron Gabriel’s blog with field crop resources:
  9. The electronic newsletter, Capital Area Ag Report:
  10. Another favorite is University of Wisconsin Forage Resources

Weekly Field Crop Pest Scouting Most weeks during the growing season there will be a one hour session of field crop pest scouting. By Attending you earn one hour of scouting earns one pesticide recertification credit. Check the Ag Report or call the office to know on which farm we will be scouting.


Aaron Gabriel
Soils & Crops Educator
(518) 746-2560

Last updated June 6, 2019